Dr Liang Wern Fook is a writer, composer, and educator in Chinese literature and Chinese language. He is the Language Director for Xue Er You Language Centre and an Associate Professor (Adjunct) with the Division of Chinese, Nanyang Technological University. Dr Liang holds a PhD in Chinese Studies from Nanyang Technological University (1999) and received gold medal awards both from the National University of Singapore’s Arts and Social Sciences Faculty and the Chinese Studies Department for being the most outstanding graduating student (1988).
梁文福博士是新加坡家喻户晓、跨越不同世代而备 受欢迎的写作人、音乐人、华文教学工作者。他是 学而优语文中心语文总监,也是南洋理工大学中文系兼任副教授。他是南洋理工大学哲学博士 (中文研究, 1999),也曾以第一名成绩获新加坡国立大学人文学院和中文系双料金牌奖 (1988)。